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HS2 Works Notification: Updated southbound road and lane closures on the A452 and A446

Last month , we sent you a notice of works detailing the creation of a new access road off the A446 southbound in your area, to be carried out by LM on behalf of HS2.

We have had to updated the traffic management that is in place. Please see our updated notice of works reflecting changes to the traffic measures required.

The work will still take place throughout November and is due to finish on Friday 20 December. The traffic management will include a combination of temporary daytime and overnight road and single lane closures, and 24/7 single lane closures, on the A446 and A452 southbound.

The full details are available on the updated notice .

If you have any questions about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email

Posted on 11th November 2019

by HS2 in Solihull